On May 29, ASOPROVAC celebrated its national meeting within the framework of the LIFE Carbon Farming project. The event took place at the Professional College of Veterinarians of Madrid and many professionals from the academia, administration, industry as well as producers attended.


The event was inaugurated by Felipe Vilas, President of the Madrid Professional College of Veterinarians, and Ricard Godia, President of ASOPROVAC. Matilde Moro, ASOPROVAC’s national manager,outlined the development of a harmonized EU-wide method for Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) of carbon reductions, aiming to attract investment from companies into the cattle sector’s decarbonization.

Subsequently, scientific work underpinning the initiative was presented by Óscar del Hierro (NEIKER) and Roberto Jiménez (ASOPROVAC), including the BOVID-CO2 tool for managing carbon footprints in beef production and the CAP2’ER tool, used for dairy farms. The final session, led by Sara Barbero (Bureau Veritas) and Ainhoa Rodríguez (Global Factor), discussed certification challenges and the need for a unified European framework for low-carbon agricultural projects.

The event concluded with ASOPROVAC expressing enthusiasm for the high participation and the harmonized sustainability strategy on the cattle sector’s role against climate change.