LIFE Carbon Farming

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LIFE Carbon Farming

Development and implementation of a result-based funding mechanism for carbon farming in EU mixed crop livestock systems


LIFE Carbon Farming

Mutualize knowledge of 50 partners to build a common framework for carbon funding mechanism and low carbon agricultural practices and facilitate carbon farming projects in Europe


LIFE Carbon Farming

Are you an expert in the LIFE Carbon Farming project? Test yourself with our quiz!


LIFE Carbon Farming

Development and implementation of a result-based funding mechanism for carbon farming in EU mixed crop livestock systems

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Objective: Reduce by 15% the carbon footprint of mixed farming-livestock farms through a remuneration system based on the result


Tonnes of CO2 avoided

Total expected farm income


1. Design

Develop harmonized tools and a common MRV framework for low carbon initiatives.

2. Implement

Implement low-carbon projects on 700 mixed farming-livestock farms in France, Belgium, Ireland, Germany, Spain and Italy.

3. Develop

Develop cost benchmarks for low-carbon projects.

4. Develop

Develop a results-based carbon mitigation financing mechanism.

5. Constitute

Build a European network of low-carbon farmers.

6. Train

Train farmers and advisors.
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We carry out the environmental assessment of the farm with CAP'2ER and then determine with the farmer the levers of relevant actions to be implemented to reduce its GHG emissions. LIFE Carbon Farming allows us to compare our French experience with our European neighbours while involving farmers, which is very enriching.

M. Etienne GOUMANDCarbon consultant for Seenovia
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