Partners del progetto Life Carbon Farming

Life Carbon Farming is a 6 year project funded by the LIFE program, Ref.: LIFE20 CCM/FR/001663. It started in October 2021.

Life Carbon Farming Map of CountriesThe agriculture sector generates several greenhouse gases – methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide – and is responsible for 10.1% of European GHG emissions. However, carbon sequestration in soil can also help remove atmospheric CO2.


The overall objective of the LIFE CARBON FARMING is to reduce the carbon footprint of agricultural products by 15% within six years, using result-based funding. Carbon finance has a key role to play in incentivising and expanding low-carbon initiatives. The project will bring together actors involved in agriculture and other economic sectors (public bodies, industrial companies and banks) to implement carbon finance mechanisms in six European countries.

Specifically, the project will aim to:

  • Develop a harmonised sustainability assessment methodology and a common process for monitoring, reporting and verifying to help farmers reduce the carbon footprint of their farms and measure the progress achieved via Carbon Farming Projects (CFP);
  • Train farmers and advisers, and apply CFP in 700 farms in France, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Germany and Spain;
  • Evaluate CFP implementation costs to improve funding initiative schemes;
  • Implement and disseminate carbon offset mechanisms that will consist of the development of a voluntary carbon market (recruitment of carbon buyers, contract procedures between farmers, project developers and carbon buyers); and
  • Create and promote a European network of farmers and partners involved in CFP to share knowledge and replicate the project results and tools.

The project contributes to EU climate policy goals, such as the EU 2030 Climate target plan COM/2020/562 (Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition Investing in a climate-neutral future for the benefit of our people), and the Effort Sharing Regulation (Decision No 406/2009/EC). The project is also relevant to the EU common agricultural policy CAP and its ‘farm to fork’ strategy.




Name Type Logo
LORRA (LORRA S COOP), Spain Participant lorra-logo- Life Carbon Farming Partner
ASOPROVAC (Asociación Productores de Vacuno de Carne), Spain Coordinator asoprovac-logo - Life Carbon Farming Partner
NEIKER (NEIKER-Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario S.A.), Spain Participant Neiker - Life Carbon Farming Partner
ASOPROVAC CYL (ASOPROVAC Castilla y León), Spain Participant
LACTIBER (LACTIBER León), Spain Participant Lactiber - Life Carbon Farming Partner
AGACAL(Axencia Galega de Calidade Alimentaria), Spain Participant
AINTA (Asesoría Integral Agroalimentaria SL), Spain Participant LOGO AINTA - Life Carbon Farming
COVAP (Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Ganadera del Valle de Los Pedroches), Spain Participant COVAP - Life Carbon Farming Partner
FACTOR CO2 (Factor Ideas Integral Services, S.L.), Spain Participant
SERIDA (Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario), Spain Participant SERIDA_logo - Life Carbon Farming Partner
ASOPROVAC CAT (ASOPROVAC Cataluña), Spain Participant logo asoprovac cat - Life Carbon Farming Partner

Find out more about the Life Carbon Farming Project